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Academics Residential

Academic Standing

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We are committed to providing our students with academic excellence and optimum opportunities for academic and spiritual growth, learning leadership skills, character discipline, and ministry gift formation. Development is fostered in a local church context and setting.

Living Stones Bible College, the parent ministry of theROAR, has been granted exempt status by the State of Indiana to offer theological and Christian ministry degrees at the associate level. The Indiana Commission on Proprietary Education has determined that Living Stones Bible College qualifies for religious exempt status from the Private School Accreditation Act (Indiana Code of 1971, Sections 20-1-19:1 through 24).

Our credit standard of learning for all courses is the Carnegie Unit. There are a total of 60 Carnegie Units earned through academic courses, hands-on practical ministry labs both in the local church and in the community, and a two-month, overseas internship. Students earning 60 academic credits have their choice of receiving an Associate Degree in Practical Theology or Inter-Cultural Studies (Mission).

The Indiana academic accrediting body does not oversee local church-governed colleges and therefore makes no evaluation of the administration, courses offered, or financial standings of this college. The leadership of Living Stones Bible College/theROAR remains committed to excellence in academics and ministry training while not compromising our Christian standards or values.

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Trimester 1-Ministry Foundations

September: Intro to Ministry

October: Life of Prayer

November: Disciplines of the Christian Life



Trimester 2-Preparation for Ministry

December: Theology

January: The Kingdom of God

February: Principles of Leadership

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Trimester 3-Mission Engagement

March: The Local Church

April: Cross-Cultural Mission

May: Mission Internship


Course Descriptions


Old and New Testament Strategic Bible Survey

Strategic Bible Survey is a systematic study of the entire Bible exploring Genesis through Revelation. Emphasis will be on priority themes, present prophetic truths, and practical life applications. Students study and read through the entire Bible during the eight months of classes.

Term 1 – Introduction to Ministry

Biblical Basis of Mission

In this foundational mission course, students will understand the state of the Church in mission and the commission the Church has received to reach the remaining Unreached People Groups in our generation. Mission and the heart of God throughout the Bible will be presented as well as the role of the Holy Spirit in mission and mission in church history.

Serving with Excellence

The Ministry of Helps in the local church is a needed Biblical and strategic ministry. In this class, students will learn about excellence in serving using Scriptural examples of those who have served and led well and those who have not. The components of servant leadership will be discussed including the cost of excellence in one’s life and ministry. Students will be encouraged to serve in an excellent manner, not only during their school studies but during their entire life!

Understanding Spiritual Authority

If Christians desire to be used by God, they must understand authority and continue to remain under the Godly authority He puts in their life. The class will study the importance of Godly authority; help the student to recognize abuse of spiritual authority in the lives of others; and establish Biblical truths concerning the blessings of God that come from being under authority.

Ministers of Flaming Fire

God has always desired His ministers to represent Him rightly in every generation. God Himself is a "Consuming Fire" (Heb. 12:29) and "as He is, so are we in this world." We are called to be forerunners, pointing to and preparing the way for the coming of the Lord. We are also called to be pathfinders; pioneers bringing the light of the Gospel to the unreached in the dark places of the earth! This introductory course will review the basic principles of evangelism and ministering as anointed leaders.  

Term 2 - Life of Prayer

Prayer Foundations

In this class, students will discuss various types of prayer in the life of a believer as well as the model of the Lord’s Prayer. The goal of this course is for the student to receive a spirit of prayer in their lives, their ministry, and their local church. As David, who lived a life of prayer said, "I am prayer," so each of us should also learn to live a life of prayer. The model of The Lord’s Prayer, intercession, prayerwalking, and waiting on the Lord will be studied.

Healing and Deliverance

In this course, students will study healing and deliverance from a Scriptural basis and discover the dynamic force it can be in the life of every true believer. Students will explore God's ability, willingness, and mercifulness in healing the sick; affirm the reality of the spirit realm (both good and evil); and learn strategies for effective deliverance.

Persistent Prayer

The Bible tells us that in certain situations, we must learn to prevail in prayer. This course will discuss the weapons of our warfare that can be used, fasting, and persisting in the Spirit.

Revival Prayer

This course is presented to peak interest, spark expectancy, and fan the flame of desire for a heaven-sent revival in our generation! Emphasis will be on defining what is true revival; the purpose of revival; some proven principles of revival; preparation for revival; and the prayer in pursuit of revival. Biblical and historical revival patterns will be examined, as well as clear Scriptural promises to build a bonfire of faith. Expected outcome of this course is a remnant of revivalists rising up who will stir revival fire in our churches, our nation, and the harvest fields of earth!

Term 3 – Disciplines of the Christian Life

Developing Christian Character

"Our usefulness to the Lord in His work is determined by the constitution of our character. Natural and undesirable elements in our character must be thoroughly dealt with through the abundant mercy and grace of our Lord, and positive traits must be built up, cultivated, and developed if we are to be effective servants of the Lord" (Watchman Nee). In this course, students will study the characteristics and moral ethics that a five-fold minister of the Gospel should possess as well as how to study the Word of God and manage finances as a good steward of the Kingdom.

Making Disciples / Building a Disciple-Making Ministry

This course will explore the Great Commission mandate to "make disciples" with an emphasis on practical disciple-making to produce measurable results.

The Established Heart

One of the most important lessons that a believer can learn is to “trust in the Lord with ALL their heart” (Proverbs 3:5). This course will teach how to establish and maintain a heart of trust even in the difficult seasons of life; trusting God in seasons of delay; and the danger of shortcuts in a believer’s life.

Lifestyle of Worship

God created each one of us to be worshippers - not just someone who practices religion or just believes in God. God Himself is looking for worshippers - those whose worship is ignited and fueled by His Spirit and played out in the reality of everyday life. In this class, the student will look at the lives of worshippers in the Bible and study how their lifestyles identified them as worshippers. God is seeking those whose life is a daily sacrifice offered in worship to the King of Kings!

Term 4 - Theology

Nature and Attributes of God

In our study on the nature and attributes of God, we set our gaze upon the foundation of all reality and the fountain from which all goodness and blessedness flow, namely God Himself. What an intellectual challenge – to fill our finite minds with the knowledge of the One who fills the entire universe! How can we know God? What is He like? Why has He chosen to reveal Himself? In this class, we explore the beauty of the Lord with the express goal of learning to enjoy God and to make His glory known in all the earth.


This class is a survey of theological reflection on Jesus of Nazareth - His life, His teaching, His death, His resurrection and ascension. The course examines the New Testament, early Christian theologians, important historical definitions, and contemporary discussion. It covers three main questions: Who is Jesus? How does Jesus save us? How do we relate to Jesus?

The Holy Spirit

Students will study the Holy Spirit and His role as the third person of the Trinity. They will look at the Old Testament promises of His outpouring, as well as the historical accounts of the Holy Spirit Baptism in the Book of Acts. Students will discuss practical applications of the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit, and how to scripturally pray for others to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Doctrines and Theology of the Church

Christianity has many essential doctrines that are important for every believer to know and believe. In this class, we will cover the six essential doctrines of the faith listed in Hebrews 6:1-3 as well as several important theological topics such as the origin of man; covenants; death; and resurrection from the dead. Each class session will focus on a different set of truths through lecture and discussion.

Term 5 – The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

The message of the Kingdom was the main focus of Jesus' life and ministry. As such, it deserves our focus and demands our understanding. In this course, students will study the teachings on the Kingdom of God found in both the Old and New Testaments. They will examine the tension between the present reality of the Kingdom and its future fulfillment, as well as the culture and signs of the Kingdom of God.

Life of Faith

This course explores the many facets of living a life of faith, including the simplicity of faith, the prayer of faith, faith and the prophetic, healing faith, and signs and wonders. In this course, students will study faith as a dynamic force in the life of every true believer. The course magnifies our God as the present, living, prayer-hearing God and answers the question, "Where is the God of Elijah?"

Kingdom Living

As believers, we are citizens of both a heavenly and earthly kingdom. This course will enable the student to understand the culture of the Kingdom in daily living and relationships; how to live displaying the Fruit of the Spirit; and the lessons in the Beatitudes that we can glean from.

Christian Worldview/Transformation of a Nation

Christianity is far more than a personal, subjective belief system.  Rather, it's an overarching, comprehensive worldview capable of addressing and explaining humanity's greatest questions about reality and life. This class is designed to help the student to see all of life from a God-centered perspective so that students can be part of a transformed nation.

Term 6 - Principles of Leadership

Biblical Leadership

This course is a study of Godly character qualities and practical principles of life-giving leadership that makes leaders full of purity, passion, and purpose. Success in any endeavor is directly linked to leadership. This is why leaders must learn to surround themselves with other emerging leaders to create a strong ministry team. In this course, students will learn spiritual and practical principles to help them become excellent leaders.

Leading with Vision

"Visioneering is the engineering of a vision. It's the process one follows to develop and maintain vision. It's a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction of what it should be" (Andy Stanley). Students will be taught how to leave a legacy and have what they have created outlive and outlast their lives.

Principles of Counseling

Counseling is something that every leader is called on to do. One of the Messianic names that Isaiah prophesied about Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 was that He would be a Counselor. So The Counselor and His Word will help us to be effective counselors, because we have His mind and His Spirit living within us!  This course will begin to help the student to become an effective counselor using biblical principles to comfort, guide, and encourage God's people.

Team Dynamics

Recruiting, training, and working as a team is an important component of any successful ministry. In this course, we will explore principles needed to lead productive teams; both good and bad teams in the Bible; the characteristics of a good team member; and the creativity component needed in moving ahead in a vision.

Term 7 - The Local Church


Next to His love for His Son, nothing could be nearer and dearer to the heart of God than the Church. Jesus loved the Church so much that He gave His life to redeem her as His Bride. This class will examine the Biblical doctrine of “ecclesiology,” the doctrine of the Church. We will address such questions as: What is the Church? What is the purpose of the Church?  What are the signs of a healthy church? 

Five-Fold Ministry

When Jesus ascended to take His place at the Father's right hand, He left gifts behind for His Church - Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers (Eph. 4:11). These gifts have been given to encourage and equip the Body of Christ so that She may grow in unity and maturity. This course is designed to help the student understand the unique calling of each gifting, as well as the way these various gifts are designed to work together. In the process, students will gain a clearer understanding of their own ministry call.

Effective Pastoring 

The pastor of the local church has to be a shepherd, a father, a team leader, and a mentor. In this class, we will look at the role of the effective pastor in the local church setting, and what areas need to be in order for a growing, fruitful, local church expression.

The Pastor’s Family

When people say the word "pastor," sometimes high and lofty (and often unrealistic) terms come to their minds - as though a pastor (or his family) is hardly human! This class will focus on the pastor’s marriage; raising Godly children; and resisting temptation in the ministry.

Homiletics 1 (Teaching and Preaching Lecture)

This class is designed to teach the student how to effectively preach and teach the Bible in an orthodox and relevant manner. Attention will be given to the preparation and practice of delivering a sermon.

Term 8 – Cross-Cultural Mission

Apostolic Mission in the Local Church

“If Christians are to participate in God's global mission, they must be affirmed, developed, and released right where they live, in the context of the local church" (George Miley). This course on apostolic mission will help the pastor to appreciate the unique giftings in a young minister with an apostolic call and how to nurture and mentor that call strategically.

Cross-Cultural Mission

This class will prepare the student for the challenges and rewards of cross-cultural ministry. Students will learn about discerning the call to "go"; how to enter and thrive in a new culture; how to present the Gospel using cultural “bridges”; and how to minimize the culture shock that new missionary’s sometime face when living in a different country than their own. 

Overcoming Persecution in Ministry

The enemy often uses fear to stop us from fulfilling God’s plan for our life. When God gave assignments to people in the Bible, He often commanded them to not be afraid. This course explains the spirit of fear; how to have courage in times of persecution; and as Christians, when we face persecution, how to use the promises of God’s Word to encourage ourselves.

World Religions

As we study mission, it is important to understand the religions and beliefs of those we are being sent to minister to. This class will give students a foundational understanding of the major religions in our world today as well as well as how to pray against strongholds that deceive and hinder those immersed in other religions from coming to Christ.

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We believe that every minister of the Gospel should have a Great Commission heart! Our students spend their final two months on the mission field serving under a seasoned, GlobalROAR or partnering Senior Missionary. It is during these two months that all of the training that the students have had are put into practice in a cross-cultural setting. Activities may include mentoring youth leadership, university outreach, conversational language classes, teaching English, tutoring, children's ministry, music ministry, leading men's and women's BIble studies, and assisting the Senior Missionary with church planting activities.